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  • Rikcillin 500 Capsule is used to treat infections caused by bacteria.
  • Finish the prescribed course, even if you start to feel better. Stopping it early may make the infection come back and harder to treat.
  • Diarrhea may occur as a side effect. Taking probiotics along with Rikcillin 500 Capsule may help. Talk to your doctor if you notice bloody stools or develop abdominal cramps.




Benefitis Of RIKCILLIN-500

Rikcillin 500 Capsule is a versatile antibiotic medicine which can be used to treat many different infections caused by bacteria. These include infections of the blood, brain, lungs, bones, joints, urinary tract, stomach and intestines. It can also be used to treat gum ulcers and other dental infections (abscesses), leg ulcers and pressure sores. It works by stopping the growth of the bacteria causing the infection.

This medicine usually makes you feel better quite quickly. However, you should continue taking it as long as it is prescribed even when you feel better, to make sure that all bacteria are killed and do not become resistant. This medicine is generally safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding, but you should ask your doctor.